God is Groot Bybeldagstukke

BOEK/BOOK: God is Groot Bybeldagstukke
Product Code: boek-god-is-groot
Availability: In Stock
Price: R199.99
  Dimensions: 21.8 cm x 15.5 cm x 2.3 cm

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  • BOEK/BOOK: God is Groot Bybeldagstukke


'n Pragtige span Christen-gelowige dames het saamgespan om hierdie Afrikaanse boek "God is Groot" saam te stel. Die boek, uitgegee deur Carpe Diem Media, is inspirerende dagstukkies. Lees wat sê vroue soos Nina Smit, Susan Coetzer, Maretha Maartens, Annalise Wiid, Riana Mouton en nog talle ander oor God se goedheid en wat Hy vir hulle en ook vir jou kan doen.


A lovely team of Chistian believing ladies joined to compile this Afrikaans book "God is Groot". The book, published by Carpe Diem Media, is inspired thoughs for the day. Read what women like Nina Smit, Susan Coetzer, Maretha Maartens, Annalise Wiid, Riana Mouton and others say about God and what He has done for them and can also do for you.

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