Hiervoor wag gemeentes en sommer almal wat lief is vir geestelike liedere al lank. Dis ons vreugde om aan te kondig dat Saamsing met ... SOUT (Volume 4) beskikbaar is. Hierdie is 'n dubbel CD-stel. Daar word weer heerlik saamgesing! Riana Mouton, Willie Botha, Quinten Pendle en baie van die ander Chistensangers van die vorige SOUT CD's is ook weer daar. Kyk ook by vir meer inligting en die lirieke.
Congregations and others who love gospel songs, waited for this. It is our pleasure to announce "Saamsing met ... SOUT" (Volume 4) is now available. This is a double CD set. Some joyous sing-alongs! Riana Mouton, Willie Botha, Quinten Pendle and many of the other Chistian gospel singers from the previous "SOUT" CDs are there again.Visit for more information and the lyrics.